Welcome to Sonic Wash LLC, your trusted provider of professional cleaning services in Folsom, CA. Our team specializes in revitalizing your outdoor spaces, ensuring they look clean, fresh, and well-maintained.
Our specialized paver cleaning service removes dirt, grime, and stains from your pavers, restoring their original beauty. We also offer paver sealing to protect them from the elements and enhance their appearance.
Keep your roof free of moss, algae, and other contaminants with our roof washing service. Regular cleaning can extend the life of your roof and improve the overall appearance of your home.
Prevent water damage and maintain proper drainage with our professional gutter cleaning service. We remove debris and ensure your gutters function efficiently.
Our driveway pressure washing service removes stains, oil spots, and dirt buildup, restoring the clean and fresh look of your driveway.
Ensure your patio is inviting and well-maintained by removing buildup, stains, and mold. Our pressure washing service keeps your patio looking its best.
Contact Information
Phone: (916) 520-9962
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